Treehouse Php Courses List


30 Related Courses

for Treehouse Php Courses

File Handling with PHP Course

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This course explores the use of PHP to read and write files from a directory. It covers the use of built-in parsing functions to work with common file formats such as CSV, XML and JSON. Learners will gain the skills to manipulate data from these formats and use them to create powerful applications. View all

PHP Standards and Best Practices Course

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This course provides an overview of the best practices and standards for programming in PHP. It covers topics such as safety, performance, and maintainability, helping developers to write code that is secure, efficient, and easy to maintain. View all


PHP & Databases with PDO Course

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This course provides an introduction to working with databases using PHP Data Objects (PDO). It covers the fundamentals of connecting to a database, executing queries, and manipulating data. Students will gain the skills necessary to create dynamic web applications and APIs. View all

Browser Persistent Data with PHP Course

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This course teaches how to use PHP to store data in a browser, allowing users to access information across multiple devices. It covers topics such as context, location, preferences, and more, helping developers create a more personalized experience for their users. With this knowledge, developers can create a more connected world, similar to that of science fiction. View all


Templating with Twig Course

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This course introduces the use of Twig, a templating language and tool, to incorporate PHP and logic into HTML web pages. It covers the application of Object-Oriented methodology to views, and provides an understanding of how Twig can be used to create dynamic web pages. View all

PHP Functions Course

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This course provides an introduction to PHP Functions, which allow developers to combine multiple statements of code into a single, reusable function. By calling the function by its given name, the code contained within will be executed and the results returned. This helps to reduce code clutter and improve efficiency. View all

PHP User Authentication Course

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This course teaches users how to create a secure user authentication system. It covers topics such as password hashing, JSON Web Tokens, and user sign up, log in, and log out processes. Upon completion, users will be able to control access to web resources and protect their data. View all

Extending Object-Oriented PHP Course

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This course teaches students how to extend the use of object-oriented PHP classes to reuse code. It covers topics such as inheritance, extending a class, using multiple classes, and creating abstract classes. Students will gain the skills to write efficient and reusable code. View all

Extending Object-Oriented PHP Course

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You should already be familiar with writing simple classes in PHP. In this course you will learn how extend the use of these classes to reuse code. View all

PHP Standards and Best Practices Course

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There are many ways to program in PHP, and not all of them are as safe, performant, or maintainable as some of the older educational materials might have you believe View all

PHP Basics Course

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In this course I&s;ll walk you through the basics of the language, ranging from basic statements to conditionals. We&s;ll be creating a simple View all

PHP & Databases with PDO Course

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Whether you have aspirations of working on a Content Management System, an E-Commerce Site, a new and exciting web app, or an API you will eventually need to work with a Database. PHP and Databases work together through the use of PHP Data Objects or PDO for short. View all

Integrating PHP with Databases Course

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The first step in learning PHP is to create a PHP-driven page. When you connect PHP to a data source, such as an API or a database, its true power shines through. We&s;ll use a Personal Media Library application as an example project to teach you about databases. View all

Using the GitHub API with PHP Course

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Get a comprehensive overview of Using the GitHub API with PHP Course View all

PHP Functions Course

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PHP Functions allow you to combine several statements of code into a &s;function&s;. These functions can then be called by their given name, and all of the code contained will run and return the results. View all

Object-Oriented PHP Basics Course

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Object-oriented programming, or OOP for short, is a style of coding that allows developers to group similar tasks into containers. In PHP, containers are defined using classes. A class contains all the functions and variables that describe an object. View all

Templating with Twig Course

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Templating languages and tools are used with frameworks like Slim and Laravel to incorporate PHP and logic into static HTML web pages. In this course we will see how to apply Object-Oriented methodology to views (web pages with HTML). View all

Browser Persistent Data with PHP Course

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Learn with smartphones, smartwatches and even smart appliances, the internet of things has brought us into a world to rival sci-fi novels. View all

CRUD Operations with PHP Course

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In this course we&s;ll delve into the full spectrum of database interactions. Whether the application is an e-commerce, or social network site, or even a todo app on your phone, the data needs to change over time. View all

Build a Basic PHP Website Course

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This project will show you how to build a simple website using the PHP programming language. View all

Getting Started with PHP Unit Testing Course

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Learn to find and fix bugs faster, while at the same time, preventing those bugs from ever coming back. Many of these tools revolve around testing. View all

Working with $_GET and $_POST in PHP Course

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This course will show you how to work with PHP Superglobals. External inputs, like HTML forms, are considered a security vulnerability so you should always filter inputs and escape outputs. View all

Designing Interfaces in PHP Course

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An interface is a type of contract that assures that certain abilities are available on on a particular object class. View all

PHP User Authentication Course

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Learn how to implement a custom user authentication system that controls users access to web resources, using password hashing and JSON Web Tokens for security. View all

Build a REST API with PHP Course

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Build a REST API using the Slim Microframework. View all

Introducing MVC Frameworks in PHP Course

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In this course we will build upon what we have learned about Object-Oriented Programming to build a basic website. View all

Introduction to User Authentication in PHP Course

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Discover the fundamentals of Introduction to User Authentication in PHP Course View all

File Handling with PHP Course

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PHP can do so much more than include files. In this course we&s;ll explore reading and writing files from a directory. We&s;ll also take advantage of built-in parsing functions for working with common file formats to read and write CSV, XML and JSON data. View all

PHP Arrays and Control Structures Course

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This course builds on the foundational skills covered in the PHP Basics course. We&s;ll explore conditionals, loops and the compound variable -- arrays. All of which help your write more powerful and intelligent programs using less code. View all

Environment Variables with PHP Course

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In the lifecycle of an application, there are multiple environments such as Development, Testing and Production. Each environment may have its own unique sources and credentials that need to be managed and secured. View all

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