YouTube Kubernetes Courses List faq

YouTube offers a variety of Kubernetes courses to help users learn the basics and advanced concepts of the technology. Kubernetes courses on YouTube provide an easy and convenient way to learn the fundamentals of the technology and gain the skills needed to deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters.


72 Related Courses

for YouTube Kubernetes Courses

Kubernetes Tutorial for Beginners [FULL COURSE in 4 Hours]

Youtube Youtube 5 5 learners
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This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes for beginners. It covers topics such as what Kubernetes is, its main components, architecture, local setup, and Kubectl commands. Additionally, the course includes a demo project to demonstrate how to use Kubernetes YAML configuration files. By the end of the course, learners will have a better understanding of Kubernetes and be able to use it to deploy applications. View all


Kubernetes and Docker

Youtube Youtube 4 4 learners
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This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes and Docker, including tutorials on installation and setup, and how to deploy Docker to a Kubernetes cluster. Participants will gain an understanding of the fundamentals of Kubernetes and Docker, and how to use them to manage and deploy applications. View all



Kubernetes Crash Course for Absolute Beginners [NEW]

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners
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This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes for absolute beginners. It covers topics such as Kubernetes architecture, main components, nodes and pods, services and ingress, configmaps and secrets, volumes, deployments and statefulsets. It is designed to help learners understand the basics of Kubernetes and how to use it to deploy and manage applications. View all


CI&CD Pipeline with GitLab and K8s Jerome Petazzoni LKE Helm Workshop

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners
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This workshop provides an introduction to CI/CD pipelines with GitLab and Kubernetes. Jerome Petazzoni covers topics such as TLS requirements, installing GitLab with Helm, logging into GitLab, pushing code to GitLab, troubleshooting connections, and configuring Traefik TCP routes. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to use GitLab and Kubernetes to create and manage CI/CD pipelines. View all



Complete Application Deployment using Kubernetes Components Kubernetes Tutorial 20

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners
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This course provides an overview of the components needed to deploy an application using Kubernetes. It covers the browser request flow, MongoDB deployment, secret, internal service for MongoDB, MongoExpress deployment, ConfigMap, MongoExpress external service, and Ingress. It also explains how to use these components to create a complete application deployment. View all


Kubernetes Security Best Practices you need to know THE Guide for securing your K8s cluster!

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners
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This guide provides an overview of Kubernetes security best practices, from image scanning to network policies. It explains the importance of security in the cloud and how it applies to Kubernetes. It also outlines four key best practices, including running as a non-root user, using RBAC for users and permissions, and using network policies. These best practices help ensure the security of your Kubernetes cluster. View all


Kubernetes Tutorial

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners
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This tutorial provides an overview of the Kubernetes architecture and explains the fundamentals of Kubernetes for beginners. It covers topics such as Kubernetes components, deployment strategies, and more. It is a great resource for those looking to get started with Kubernetes. View all


Istio Setup in Kubernetes Step by Step Guide to install Istio Service Mesh

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners
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This course provides a step-by-step guide to setting up Istio in a Kubernetes cluster. It covers downloading and configuring Istioctl, installing Istio in a Minikube cluster, deploying a microservices application, configuring automatic Envoy Proxy Injection, and installing Istio addons for monitoring and data visualization. This course is ideal for those looking to get started with Istio in Kubernetes. View all


Setup Prometheus Monitoring on Kubernetes using Helm and Prometheus Operator Part 1

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners
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This course provides an introduction to Prometheus Monitoring on Kubernetes using Helm and Prometheus Operator. It covers the architecture of Prometheus, how to deploy all the parts into a K8s cluster, and how to set up Prometheus Operator using Helm. It also explains the components created and their functions, as well as what is inside Prometheus Operator and how to use it. Finally, it provides an overview of the monitoring setup. View all


Running WebAssembly Applications on Kubernetes with WasmEdge Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners
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This Tech Talk from Mirantis Labs covers the use of WebAssembly and WasmEdge to run applications on Kubernetes. It begins by introducing WebAssembly and discussing the differences between Wasm modules and container images. It then looks at common use-cases for WebAssembly and explains what WasmEdge is. Finally, a live demo is given to demonstrate how to run WasmEdge and Wasm bytecode inside a slim Kubernetes cluster. View all


Getting Started with Kubernetes Part 1: Introduction to YAML

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This course provides an introduction to YAML, a data serialization language used in Kubernetes. It covers the overall YAML structure, data types, and the purpose of the "-" symbol. Additionally, it provides an overview of YAML tooling and a preview of the next part of the course. View all


Introduction to Helm - A Package Manager for Kubernetes Apps Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This talk introduces Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes applications. It covers getting started with Helm, using it with Lens, the Kubernetes IDE, and the command line interface CLI. It also covers upgrading applications with Lens and the CLI. Attendees will gain an understanding of Helm and how to use it to manage Kubernetes applications. View all


Building My First Kubernetes App Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes and its architecture. It covers the fundamentals of Kubernetes, such as applications, containers, and key features. It also explains Kubernetes objects such as Pods and Services. Finally, a live demo is included to demonstrate how to build a Kubernetes application. View all


Introduction to Helm LKE Workshop with Jerome Petazzoni

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This workshop introduces Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes. It covers Helm features, concepts, installation, usage, finding and installing Helm charts, viewing release resources, and configuring a new release. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use Helm to manage Kubernetes applications. View all


Microservices Security Pattern in Kubernetes (East-West Traffic)

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This webinar will provide an overview of Kubernetes Networking and Microservices Security Pattern in K8s East-West Traffic. Attendees will have the opportunity to view a live demo and participate in a Q&A session. Additionally, the fundamentals of Microservices will be discussed, with further livestreams to follow. View all


How Can You Run WebLogic on Kubernetes Smoothly

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This course provides an overview of how to run WebLogic on Kubernetes smoothly. It begins with an introduction to popular application architectures, followed by a discussion of Kubernetes and WebLogic architectures. A live demo is then presented to demonstrate how to run WebLogic on Kubernetes, concluding with a demo ending. View all


Exposing APIs with Kubernetes (North-South Traffic)

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This course covers the fundamentals of Kubernetes Networking, including how to expose APIs with Kubernetes, the different types of Ingress Controllers, and how to install NGINX with a Kubernetes Cluster. Participants will also learn how to troubleshoot deployment issues and fix web server issues. A demo will be included to demonstrate the concepts. View all


Get Up & Running with K0s - A Lightweight Kubernetes Distro Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This Tech Talk from Mirantis Labs provides an introduction to k0s, a lightweight Kubernetes Distro. It covers the minimum system requirements for k0s, as well as manual and automated deployment. Attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about licensing and other topics. View all


An Introduction To Kubernetes - For Beginners

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration system that is used to manage and deploy applications. This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes, covering topics such as terminology, architecture, cluster creation, and Kubectl commands. It also includes a demo project to demonstrate how to deploy a Flask app. This course is ideal for beginners who want to learn the basics of Kubernetes. View all


Step by Step Application Deployment on LKE using Helm Kubernetes on Cloud (2&2)

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners
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This course provides a step-by-step guide to deploying an application on LKE using Helm and Kubernetes on Cloud. It covers creating a Kubernetes cluster, deploying a MongoDB StatefulSet using Helm, deploying MongoExpress with a deployment and internal service, deploying an Ingress Controller using Helm and configuring a domain name, and finally deploying a sample application. The course provides a comprehensive guide to deploying an application on LKE. View all


Get Lens Kubernetes IDE Running in 5 Minutes

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This course provides an introduction to Lens, a Kubernetes IDE, and demonstrates how to get it up and running in 5 minutes. It covers installation on Linux and Windows, and explores the Lens interface and features. Participants will learn how Lens can help DevOps teams streamline their workflow. View all


Launching an Automated Cluster with Lens with ActualTech Media & Techworld with Nana

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This course provides an introduction to Kubernetes and Lens, the Kubernetes IDE. It covers the challenges of DevOps, the two main roles of Kubernetes, and how Lens simplifies development and operations with K8s. Participants will learn how to launch an automated cluster with Lens and gain insights into the benefits of using this powerful tool. View all


How to Improve Visibility in Kubernetes with Prometheus Grafana and NGINX

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This session will discuss how to improve visibility in Kubernetes with Prometheus, Grafana, and NGINX. Attendees will learn about the challenges and solutions for visibility, the differences between visibility and insight, and how to use a service mesh for visibility. Additionally, sources to get visibility data will be discussed. View all


Monitoring & Log Management in K8s with Prometheus Grafana & Loki Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This Tech Talk from Mirantis Labs covers the importance of Kubernetes Monitoring and how to use Prometheus, Grafana and Loki to monitor and log management in K8s. It provides an overview of Prometheus architecture and how to use Grafana to visualize metrics. Additionally, it explains how to use Grafana Loki to treat logs as metrics. This talk is essential for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of Kubernetes Monitoring. View all


Advanced Kubernetes Deployment Strategies

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This course provides an in-depth look at advanced Kubernetes deployment strategies. It covers topics such as Kubernetes networking, traffic shaping with K8s and service meshes, and tutorials for deploying frontend, API, and V2. Participants will learn how to route traffic to both versions of their application and how to use advanced deployment strategies. View all


Serverless on Kubernetes using Knative Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This Tech Talk introduces the concept of serverless computing and the Lambda Management Console. It then explains Knative, a serverless platform on Kubernetes, and provides a live demo of using the kn command-line client to deploy a serverless application. Attendees will gain an understanding of the benefits of serverless computing and how to use Knative to deploy applications. View all


Simplify the Kubernetes User Experience with Mirantis

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This course provides an overview of Mirantis Cloud Native Platform and how it simplifies the Kubernetes user experience. Attendees will learn about the product updates from Mirantis, Lens the Kubernetes IDE, and see live demos of setting up a minikube and adding minikube to Lens. This course is designed to help users get the most out of their Kubernetes experience. View all


Deploy and connect to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster Azure Friday

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Azure Friday explores the process of deploying and connecting to an Azure Red Hat OpenShift cluster. It covers the creation of the cluster, connecting and exploring it, creating a new MachineSet, integrating with Azure Active Directory using the Group Sync Operator, and installing Azure resources with the Azure Service Operator. The video provides a comprehensive guide to setting up and managing an OpenShift cluster on Azure. View all


Service Mesh: Crash Course on ISTIO (Part 1)

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This course provides an introduction to Service Mesh and ISTIO, covering prerequisites, monoliths and microservices, and how to install Istio and Istioctl on a cluster. It also explains how to access labs and provides an overview of the Istio architecture. It is a great resource for those looking to learn more about Service Mesh and ISTIO. View all


How to Give Developers Secure Access to Kubernetes Clusters using Lens Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This Mirantis Labs Tech Talk explores how to give developers secure access to Kubernetes Clusters using Lens. The agenda covers topics such as Teamwork & Collaboration, the Lens user challenge, and a closer look at the Tech: Cluster Connect. Live demos will demonstrate how to securely share clusters with teams and access shared clusters. This talk provides an in-depth look at how to use Lens to give developers secure access to Kubernetes Clusters. View all


Kubernetes Cluster guardrails using Open Policy Agent & Gatekeeper Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This Tech Talk from Mirantis Labs covers the use of Open Policy Agent and Gatekeeper to create Kubernetes Cluster guardrails. It begins with an introduction to Kubernetes architecture and Object Request flow, followed by an overview of Policy Enforcement in Kubernetes. Open Policy Agent and Gatekeeper are then discussed, with a live demonstration of how to use them to create guardrails. Finally, the talk concludes with a Q&A session. View all


CI&CD with Kubernetes Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This talk by Mirantis Labs covers the importance of CI/CD with Kubernetes. It explains the differences between continuous integration and continuous deployment, and how to create a pipeline for deploying code. It also looks at traditional and modern application deployment processes, and how to use Kubernetes to automate them. View all


ZeroOps Application Delivery on Kubernetes

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This course provides an overview of ZeroOps Application Delivery on Kubernetes. It covers topics such as why it is difficult to deploy cloud native applications, offerings from Mirantis and, and a closer look at Mirantis Container Cloud and Mirantis Kubernetes Engine. Additionally,'s Lagoon platform is discussed, as well as the benefits of ZeroOps Application Delivery. View all


A Guide to Adopting Kubernetes

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Adopting Kubernetes can be a daunting task, but this guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process. It covers topics such as cloud native applications, Gartner's 5R's of Cloud Rationalization, pre-requisites to adopting Kubernetes, and how to deploy it. It also provides insight into whether the process is enough to ensure success. View all


Introduction to YAML & Kubernetes Manifest Files Mirantis Labs - Tech Talks

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This webinar is an introduction to YAML and Kubernetes Manifest Files, presented by Mirantis Labs. It is designed for those who want to learn more about YAML and its uses. The webinar covers topics such as the overall YAML structure, data types, and a live demo of using YAML in Lens, the K8s IDE. Additionally, the webinar provides an overview of ConfigMaps and how they can be used. View all


Securing Applications & Infrastructure on Kubernetes with Sysdig

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This course provides an overview of security when using cloud-based applications and infrastructure on Kubernetes. It covers topics such as security overview, implementing defenses, and mitigation strategies. Participants will learn how to secure their applications and infrastructure on Kubernetes, and how to design and implement security measures at the platform, design-time, supply chain, and runtime levels. View all


Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners

Youtube Youtube 11 11 learners

Explore the essentials of Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners View all


Kubernetes Basics

Youtube Youtube 5 5 learners

Gain an introduction to Kubernetes Basics View all


Install Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch

Youtube Youtube 4 4 learners

Learn the basics of Install Kubernetes Cluster from Scratch View all


Learn Kubernetes Lecture & Training

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners

Get a comprehensive overview of Learn Kubernetes Lecture & Training View all



Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners

Discover the fundamentals of Kubernetes View all


OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners

Learn the basics of OpenShift for the Absolute Beginners View all


Kubernetes Essentials

Youtube Youtube 3 3 learners

Gain an introduction to Kubernetes Essentials View all


Kubernetes In Hindi

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners

Learn Google Kubernetes Engine For Beginners Full Course in Hindi

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners


Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners

Use Helm Charts from Windows Client Machine to Deploy SQL Server 2019 Containers on Kubernetes DE

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

Get a comprehensive overview of Use Helm Charts from Windows Client Machine to Deploy SQL Server 2019 Containers on Kubernetes DE View all


Learn Kubernetes in 90 Minutes Hands On Using KOPS on AWS Cloud

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

Get a comprehensive overview of Learn Kubernetes in 90 Minutes Hands On Using KOPS on AWS Cloud View all


Tutorials Kubernetes

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

Kubernetes For Beginners In Hindi

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

faq FAQ for Kubernetes Courses

Q1: What are the best resources for learning about Kubernetes? is an excellent resource to learn about Kubernetes, as it is the official Kubernetes site by Google. Additionally, the Kubernetes overview provides a comprehensive look at all the parts of Kubernetes and how it works. For those who want to try out AKS, Azure Kubernetes Service, a free Azure account is required.

Q2: What should I know about Kubernetes RBAC?

RBAC in Kubernetes is based on three core components: Verbs, API Resources, and Subjects. Verbs are the set of operations that can be performed on resources, such as Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD). API Resources are the objects available on the clusters, while Subjects are the objects (users, groups, processes) that are granted access to the API based on Verbs and Resources.

Q3: Does Kubernetes only work with Docker?

Rather than viewing Docker and Kubernetes as competing technologies, it's best to think of them as complementary. Docker provides an efficient way to package and ship applications, while Kubernetes helps to deploy and scale them. Together, they offer a powerful solution for developing and running applications.

Q4: How can I set up NFS with Kubernetes?

Kubernetes can be used to set up an NFS server with relative ease. To do so, you will need a running Kubernetes cluster and an NFS server. First, run the necessary commands on the node you have designated as the NFS server. Then, prepare the Kubernetes worker nodes by installing an NFS client package. This will allow the nodes to connect to the NFS server. Finally, create a Persistent Volume Claim in Kubernetes to mount the NFS server. With these steps, you can easily set up an NFS server with Kubernetes.


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