YouTube Mongodb Courses List

YouTube offers a wide range of Mongodb courses, from basic to advanced levels, to help users learn the fundamentals of the database and its applications. Mongodb courses on YouTube provide an easy and convenient way to learn the basics of the database and its various features. With step-by-step tutorials and video lectures, users can quickly become proficient in the technology.


24 Related Courses

for YouTube Mongodb Courses

MongoDB - noSQL Database Tutorial

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MongoDB is a noSQL database that can be installed on Mac and Windows. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to create collections, insert documents, and find documents. It also covers other topics such as updating documents, deleting documents, and using the MongoDB shell. View all


MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners

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This MongoDB Tutorial for Absolute Beginners course provides an introduction to MongoDB and covers topics such as where MongoDB is used, relational vs document databases, MongoDB structure, installation, MongoDB shell and server, MongoDB database in the cloud, JSON overview, data types, creation of collections, insertion of documents, finding documents, query operators, sorting, limiting, skipping, updating documents, deleting documents, aggregation framework, indexes, utilities, replica sets, and drivers. This course is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to learn the basics of MongoDB. It is well-structured and provides a thorough overview of the topics, making it an excellent resource for beginners. View all



MongoDB Tutorial For Beginners Full Course

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This MongoDB Tutorial For Beginners Full Course provides an introduction to MongoDB and its features. It covers topics such as installing Docker, connecting to MongoDB using Mongo Shell, creating databases, collections, documents, inserting documents, using find, updating documents, and deleting documents. It also provides guidance on the next steps to take after completing the course. This course is a great way to get started with MongoDB and learn the basics. It is comprehensive and easy to follow, making it a great resource for beginners. View all


Mongodb Tutorial for absolute beginners

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This online course provides an introduction to MongoDB for absolute beginners. It covers topics such as NoSQL, SQL vs NoSQL, installation of MongoDB, creating databases, collections, documents, and performing CRUD operations. It also covers query and criteria. This course is a great way to get started with MongoDB and learn the basics. It is comprehensive and easy to follow, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users. View all



MongoDB Crash Course With Python 2022

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB, a popular open-source database. It covers the Community Server, Atlas, and PyMongo, as well as other topics. Participants will gain an understanding of how to use MongoDB to store and query data, and how to integrate it with Python. By the end of the course, they will have the skills to use MongoDB in their own projects. View all


MongoDB Crash Course

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It covers basic commands, insert, query, update and delete commands, as well as more complex query commands. It is designed to help users become familiar with the fundamentals of MongoDB and how to use it effectively. View all


MongoDB CRUD Operations

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB CRUD Operations. It covers topics such as exploring databases and collections, creating and deleting databases and collections, inserting and updating documents, and querying documents. It also covers advanced topics such as indexing and aggregation. The course provides a comprehensive overview of MongoDB CRUD operations. View all


MongoDB Update Queries

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB Update Queries, covering topics such as creating sample documents, the syntax of update methods, and the use of $set and $unset. It also covers more advanced topics such as the use of $inc, $min, and $max. The course provides a comprehensive overview of MongoDB Update Queries, enabling users to make the most of their data. View all


MongoDb with Python

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB and Python, and covers the installation and basic CRUD operations of MongoDB, as well as how to connect Python with MongoDB using Pymongo. It also covers how to query JSON documents and use MongoDB with Python for data science projects. View all


MongoDB Data Types

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MongoDB is a popular database system that uses BSON types to store data. This course covers the most common BSON types, their syntax in shell mode, and the BSON type identifiers. It also explains how to use the MongoDB shell to create and manipulate data types. This course is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about MongoDB data types. View all


MongoDB Queries

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This course provides an introduction to MongoDB queries, including inserting sample documents, empty queries, equality queries, and an introduction to operators. It also covers logical operators, comparison operators, and array operators. Finally, it covers projection and aggregation. This course is designed to help users understand the basics of MongoDB queries and how to use them effectively. View all


MongoDB Indexing

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MongoDB Indexing is a process of creating and managing indexes to improve the performance of database queries. It involves the creation of B-Tree indexes, which are used to quickly locate data within a collection. Additionally, MongoDB creates a default _id index with ObjectID to ensure uniqueness of documents. Indexing is an important part of MongoDB, as it helps to improve query performance and scalability. View all


MongoDB Aggregation Framework

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The MongoDB Aggregation Framework Tutorial provides an overview of the process and stages of the framework. It covers loading sample documents, the aggregation process, the aggregate command, and an overview of the stages. It also explains how to use the framework to create powerful queries and data analysis. View all


MongoDB Python Tutorial

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This tutorial series provides an in-depth look at how to use MongoDB and Python together. It covers topics such as CRUD operations, relationships, schema validation, advanced queries, full-text search with Atlas Search, and more. It is a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to learn how to use MongoDB and Python together. View all


Mongoose Crash Course - Beginner Through Advanced

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This course provides an in-depth look at Mongoose, a popular object modeling library for Node.js. It covers topics from the basics of Mongoose to advanced topics such as schema types, validation, query basics, schema methods/virtuals, and schema middleware. It is designed to help beginners and experienced developers alike to gain a better understanding of Mongoose. View all


MongoDB + Python #1 - CRUD Relationships and More

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This course introduces MongoDB and Python, and covers topics such as CRUD operations, relationships, MongoDB Atlas setup, PyMongo setup, MongoDB Compass, document model, inserting, reading, updating and deleting documents. It also covers relationships and more. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of MongoDB and Python. View all


MongoDB Internal Architecture

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MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that has evolved over the years. It initially used the MMAPV1 architecture, but now uses the Wired Tiger architecture. It also supports clustered collections, allowing for scalability and flexibility. MongoDB is a powerful tool for managing large amounts of data. View all


The Ultimate MongoDB Crash Course Featuring Code With Harry Full MongoDB Beginner Tutorial

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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database. It covers topics such as creating a MongoDB database cluster in Cloud Manager, installing MongoDB Compass, connecting to the database cluster, creating a database, and writing queries. Participants will learn how to use MongoDB to store and query data, as well as how to use MongoDB Compass to visualize and explore data. This course is ideal for beginners who want to get started with MongoDB. View all


MongoDB + Python #3 - Full-Text Search with Atlas Search

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This course provides an overview of Full-Text Search with MongoDB Atlas Search, including sample data walkthroughs, search indexes, fuzzy matching, synonym matching, autocomplete, compound queries, and relevancy search. It covers the fundamentals of setting up and using MongoDB Atlas Search to enable powerful search capabilities for applications. View all


MongoDB + Python #2 - Schema Validation Advanced Queries and More

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This course provides an in-depth look at MongoDB and Python, covering topics such as schema validation, bulk insert, data modeling, advanced queries, and PyMongo Arrow Demo. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to use MongoDB and Python to create efficient and secure databases. They will also learn how to use advanced queries to retrieve data and how to use PyMongo Arrow Demo to create powerful applications. View all


Spring Boot Tutorial - Build a Rest Api with MongoDB

Youtube Youtube 2 2 learners

Get a comprehensive overview of Spring Boot Tutorial - Build a Rest Api with MongoDB View all


MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

Gain an introduction to MongoDB Tutorial for Beginners View all


MongoDB and Mocha

Youtube Youtube 1 1 learners

Learn the basics of MongoDB and Mocha View all


MongoDB Utilities

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Gain an introduction to MongoDB Utilities View all

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